Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Value of our Sponsored Employee Program

I’ve been discussing corporate social responsibility a lot lately, so it seems only fitting to tell you about our sponsored employee program. It’s a unique opportunity for local organizations to practice corporate social responsibility in a way that benefits them, their chosen employee and our community.

Essentially, our sponsored employee program sees potential leaders from a variety of workplaces join forces with United Way KW staff for about four months, often during our fall workplace campaign. These individuals hone and refine valuable business skills - including public speaking, customer service, strategic planning, leadership, project management and networking - while helping workplaces plan, implement and monitor their United Way campaigns. They then return to their workplace feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to go - not to mention brimming with new skills and ideas.

Of course, not every organization has an employee to loan. Another option is to donate funding for a sponsored employee, allowing United Way KW the flexibility to hire an individual with the specific skills we need.

Many sponsored employees are students from post-secondary institutions. While some are sponsored by their schools, others come to us through the generosity of local businesses and organizations. Be sure to read my August 2nd blog to learn about a unique sponsored employee arrangement that’s benefitting United Way KW, Teledyne Dalsa and co-op student James Saliba alike.

For more information about our sponsored employee program, be sure to visit www.uwaykw.org.


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