Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Teledyne Dalsa Donates Social Media Student

“You’re pursuing a master’s degree in what?”

This was my first thought when introduced to University of Waterloo student James Saliba, who’s currently working on a master of arts degree in experimental digital media. It probably also explains why James is such a valuable asset to United Way KW.

James comes to us as a gift from Teledyne Dalsa, where he is currently employed on a co-op work term. From now until his work term ends in December, James will spend one day a week using his technical and academic experience to evaluate the way United Way KW engages with community stakeholders via electronic means. He’ll conduct a comprehensive review of our digital social media engagement practices and will work to build a consistent, simple means for us to utilize social media to its full extent.

We were told James has a knack for thinking outside the box and identifying opportunities we didn’t even know existed, and he’s already proven this to be true. I can’t wait to see what additional opportunities he’ll find as we look at expanding our use of digital media for connecting with the community.

You’ve heard of a win-win situation, I know, but this one is win-win-win. James benefits from experience gained through two work terms in one, we at United Way KW benefit from James’ valuable knowledge and skills, and Teledyne Dalsa benefits from providing further support to United Way while offering an enhanced experience for co-op students.

Special thanks to Patrick Myles, Vice President of Business Development and Communications at Teledyne DALSA (also a member of our Board of Directors), and to Neil Humphrey, Manager of Corporate Communications at Teledyne Dalsa, for spearheading this unique opportunity.


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