Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Our First Annual Day of Caring Approaches

What do you think, would I make a good cheerleader?

As you can see, I’ve been practicing my moves so I can rally the troops at our Day of Caring kick-off tomorrow. Everyone is invited, of course, so be sure to drop by and join the fun from 8-9 a.m. at the Waterloo Public Square. The Starbucks coffee is on us, and you’ll be invited to leave your own personal mark on the Waterloo Public Square. Yes, literally. Sorry, no hints. You’ll have to show up to find out what I mean.

Joining us at the Day of Caring will be Lisa Drew from 570News, our 2010 Workplace Campaign Chair. Lisa will be kicking off our annual workplace campaign at the event, and I just know she’ll outdo me at this cheerleading stuff. Thank goodness I get to go first - she’d be a hard act to follow.

In all honesty, we’re thrilled to have Lisa working with us this year. We couldn’t ask for a more charismatic and caring individual to lead our community efforts.

Thanks for stopping by. See you tomorrow morning!


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