Monday, August 30, 2010

Appreciating Diversity

Last blog, I wrote of a recent expedition to Newfoundland. My journey east this summer also took me kayaking and whale watching in Quebec. Dave and I marveled at the magnificent variety of wildlife in the area – including moose, caribou, puffins and bald eagles.

In the quaint French town of Tadoussac, we saw sharks and several species of whale. The area is famous for whale watching because saltwater from the Atlantic mixes with freshwater from the St. Lawrence here, resulting in an endless supply of plankton and other small marine life that comprise a whale’s main diet.

I was awestruck by the wide range of wildlife Dave and I saw in Quebec. It reminded me that diversity is to be admired and held in high esteem, not regarded suspiciously or subjected to discrimination. The same holds true for people. When we respect and value our differences, our communities and neighbourhoods flourish. That’s why United Way supports programs and initiatives that encourage people to accept each other’s differences and work together for the common good.

Thought I'd include a picture of me kayaking, although I'm not sure any picture could do justice to the fabulous scenery we came across.

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