Monday, November 14, 2011

Rising to the occasion during difficult times

We shared some difficult news with the media last week. At a time when the demand for social services continues to rise in our community, we’re currently forecasting that only $4.9 million will be raised during this year’s fall workplace campaign towards the $6 million overall revenue challenge issued back in September.
As I explained to the media, we’re seeing a trend in local companies kicking off their workplace campaigns much later, which means we may not learn their campaign results until well into the new year. The other side of the story is that while we're seeing significant increases among some workplaces that have completed their campaigns, overall there’s a downward trend in funds pledged.

In response to this announcement, House of Friendship - an agency with several programs and initiatives supported by United Way KW - posted a blog entry entitled “United, we are stronger”. I really encourage you to read this blog, which is written by House of Friendship employee Matt Cooper. It explores the value behind supporting United Way and provides some real answers from real people in our community about why they choose to give.

Here’s an excerpt:
“The United Way has shared its concerns and hopes for this year’s campaign. As a community and individuals we have a choice about how we respond. House of Friendship staff have chosen to step up. Join us. Think about YOUR reason for giving and support United Way and our community. We all benefit.”

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