Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Waterloo Region Record editorial

If you missed the great editorial entitled "United Ways deserve our help" in the Friday September 23 edition of the Waterloo Region Record, be sure to click here and check it out.

Here's my favourite paragraph from a campaign perspective:

"Either through channelling donated money or volunteer time, United Way organizations are making our communities better places in which to live. And they richly deserve all the support our communities can give them."

And here's my favourite paragraph in terms of helping people understand what it is that United Way does in the community:

"Interestingly, United Way organizations are altering their focus. They are putting less emphasis on their role as an umbrella organization that raises money and are focusing more on issues in the community that require major change."

Thanks also to the other local media outlets - radio, TV and print - that highlighted our 2nd Annual Day of Caring. This type of coverage is critical in helping us spread our message and garner the support needed to keep this community strong.


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