Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Giving Circles

What better way for a group of community-minded individuals to share their passion for making a difference than to collectively make an impact on the local social issues most important to them? That’s the whole idea behind Giving Circles - groups of friends, colleagues or business leaders who pool their charitable dollars and decide, together, how these funds will be invested. United Way of KW and Area launched its first Giving Circle last year, with Amanda Knapp from RBC Dominion Securities Inc. at the helm. The project is the first of its kind in Canada for United Way. Research from the U.S. points to the fact that Giving Circle members tend to be highly engaged in their community and possess a strong knowledge of philanthropy, nonprofits and community needs. I invite you to read my March 2011 Business Times column, which explores Giving Circles in more detail. You can also learn more by contacting our office at 519-888-6100 or info@uwaykw.org.

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