Monday, November 22, 2010

Kaleidoscope Analogy Fitting for Social Services Sector

I want to draw your attention to a recent article in The Philanthropist - a quarterly journal for those engaged in the nonprofit sector in Canada. It’s called “A Kaleidoscope of Innovation: Designing Community Impact in the Waterloo Region.”

The article is co-authored by Diana Denton, Associate Professor and Director, Communication, Leadership and Social Innovation (CLSI), University of Waterloo, and Tracey Robertson, who conducted research while on leave from her role as Regional Program Manager at the Ontario Trillium Foundation. I was pleased to be invited on several occasions to lend my thoughts to the ideas discussed in this article, which focuses on challenges and issues related to social innovation in Waterloo Region.

In the social services sector, as in many other sectors, change isn’t on the horizon, it is the horizon. We must adapt and respond to constant shifts in areas such as technology, organizational structure, workforce, and the economy. “A Kaleidoscope of Innovation” identifies and explores the unique issues arising from this constant state of flux. I consider it a must-read for anyone working in my field. You’ll find the article on the Philanthropist web site at

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