Monday, July 19, 2010

Our First Annual Day of Caring - September 15, 2010

I want to send a quick "shout out" (I've always wanted to say that phrase and it seems fitting here, so please indulge me) to CKWR FM 98.5 for having me on air recently to talk about our upcoming Day of Caring on September 15, 2010. Our aim is to connect 21 volunteer teams from local workplaces with 21 community projects that need completing, in honour of our 3-year, $21 million revenue goal. As well, we're encouraging you to get involved by creating your own team, doing something caring in your neighbourhood, and then telling us about your experience. Your ideas and photos may even end up on our new website, Facebook page or Community Heroes blog.

For more information, visit our website or email And don't forget to join us at Waterloo Public Square from 8-9 a.m. on Wednesday September 15th for our Day of Caring kick off.

Of course, the underlying message here is that every day should be a Day of Caring. By working together collectively, we can ensure that this community is a great place to live for everyone. All it takes is teamwork and the desire to be change, make change and see change.

Thanks for stopping by,


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