Monday, October 31, 2011

KW women take the media world by storm!

Julie Osborne, Publisher of Maclean's
While she is perhaps the most well-known woman from the KW area to make it big in the media world, Lisa LaFlamme isn’t the only one. Nor will she be the only one on stage at our Annual Celebrity Event at Fed Hall on Friday November 25, 2011. We’ll also be hearing from guest speaker Julie Osborne, who has some pretty impressive credentials of her own.
Not only is Julie currently the Publisher of Maclean’s, she recently added Acting Publisher for Canadian Business, Profit and MoneySense to her responsibilities.
A graduate of Cameron Heights Collegiate, Julie holds Bachelor of Arts degrees in French Literature and Education from the University of Western Ontario, where she also went on to earn an MBA. She speaks English, French and Spanish.
Julie works with the Canadian Olympic Committee and has attended the Games eight times. She is also a member of the Executive Committee of the Board of the Writers’ Trust of Canada and a member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Canadian Women in Communications.
There’s more, but I’ll stop there. I think you get the picture when I say that like Lisa LaFlamme, Julie Osborne is very accomplished in the media world. We should feel proud that both of these women hail from our community. Talk about great role models!
Remember, tickets for our Annual Celebrity Event honouring Lisa LaFlamme are on sale online at Check out my October 18th blog for more details.
Hope to see you there!

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