Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Well, this is it. My first foray into the once-foreign world of social media. I knew it was only a matter of time before my team led me down this path. A critical path, I might add, for many reasons.

The significance of social media - and the fact that it is here to stay - really struck home when I witnessed live Twitter feeds being screened beside the keynote speaker at a conference a few months back. It became obvious to me then that social media was not merely a youth phenomenon, and our Facebook presence, while still important, wasn't going to be enough.

So... we've got a great new web site, we're now on Twitter, and along with this new blog of mine we've got a "Community Heroes" blog to keep you up to date on our fundraising efforts and tell you about the great people in our community helping us change community conditions for the better.

There's a parallel here between the changes United Way is making in the virtual world and those we're making in the real one. As our community and its needs evolve, so too are we. We know that what we do, and how we do it, must be a reflection of these changing times. That's why we introduced our new three-year, $21 million fundraising strategy. And that's why we're mobilizing not only funding, but people, ideas and other resources as well, within the five priority areas deemed critical to the success of our community.

More on this later...

Thanks for stopping by,
